
As in the cases of Mariner 5 and 10 and Venera 9, the Pioneer Venus radio occultation measurements of Venus show an upper region of turbulence located in the vicinity of 60 km. Estimates of the deduced intensity of turbulence are consistent with the upper bound obtained earlier from the complementary Pioneer Venus probe measurements. Comparison with the Pioneer Venus in situ temperature measurements of 1 km scale size also shows very good agreement. It is clear that for scale sizes smaller than the Fresnel size (∼1 km), the refractive index irregularities are represented by a continuum of scale sizes having a spatial wave number spectrum that is power law and close to Kolmogorov. These irregularities are elongated in the horizontal direction (axial ratios are large, ≳10). The fact that the upper region of turbulence coincides with a region of high stability marked by one or more peaks in the stability profile suggests that the turbulence is associated with trapped gravity waves. The amplitude scintillations appear to increase poleward of about 70° which is interpreted as an increase in turbulence level with latitude.

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