
A gas chromatographic system with capillary columns (fused silica) for the analysis of radiolabelled compounds is described. The system presented is based on a dual column gas chromatograph equipped with column switching facllity and a variable splitter at the column outlet combined with a dead-volume free adapter for the radioactivity monitor for continous measurement of radioactivity in the column effluent. The first column works as a separation column and the second is roughly shortened and used as a feed to the mass detector. The adjustment of the split ratio is regulated by the inlet pressures for the carrier gas supplying both columns. For mass detection all conventional systems can be used. Detection of radioactivity by a gas proportional counter (system based on a combustion technique). Three flow modes can be adjusted: a) total column effluent to the mass detector or b) to the radioactivity monitor, and c) simultaneous flow (dependent on the chosen split ratio) to mass-and radioactivity detectors. The system was developed for use in clinical chemistry and tested with labelled and unlabelled steroids. The method for peak identification by means of relative retention times and methylene units was possible also for radioactive peaks when a heart cutting technique was used. The radio gas chromatographic system presented allows the development of radiochromatograms with the same peak characteristics as in conventional capillary gas chromatography.

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