
This paper explores the role of radio as a powerful medium for the promotion and preservation of indigenous languages in Nigeria. With a diverse linguistic landscape, Nigeria is home to numerous indigenous languages, many of which are at risk of extinction due to the dominance of English and other major languages. Radio, as a mass communication tool, is assumed to have the potential to revitalize the use of indigenous languages, thus fostering cultural identity and linguistic diversity. The paper examines the impact of radio in promoting indigenous languages in Nigeria and discusses the challenges, strategies, and possible initiatives to employ in language promoting indigenous language through radio broadcasts. In assessing the possibility of radio to serve as a Vehicle for Promotion of Indigenous Languages in Nigeria, the paper adopted survey method, using a structured questionnaire to gather data from 172 respondents drawn from the coverage areas of the selected indigenous radio stations. The study is anchored on Agenda Setting Theory. Data gathered were analysed and presented in tables and simples percentages. Findings show that Amuludun FM, Ibadan and Orisun FM, Ile-Ife, enjoy a high number of audiences who listen to the stations because of their peculiarity of using indigenous languages to present programmes. The respondents affirmed that Amuludun FM, Ibadan and Orisun FM, Ile-Ife promote indigenous language and also ensure effective communication through Yoruba indigenous language particularly for people in the Yoruba rural communities. The study recommends that Indigenous languages should be encouraged because it is the native language. Media campaigns for promotion of indigenous languages and implementation across schools must be intensified to prevent the indigenous languages from going into extinction.

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