
The radical behavior of students in Higher Education is one of the interesting phenomena that has been developing for a long time. The fall of the New Order and the fall of Soeharto were the entry points for the radical behavior of students in universities. There is no more control, no more supervision, all currents and ideologies are beginning to flood Indonesia, a sign of being prevented. The pattern of planting radicalism begins with the spread of thoughts that are narrow fanaticism in understanding an event, the values ​​of life and religious understanding. After that, an intensive approach is carried out through mentoring activities, or small groups, until they really believe and believe that what they are doing and their group is the most correct group, and think the other group is wrong or heretical or infidel When this condition has been created, the understanding and cultivation of a more radical understanding will begin to be included, to the point of carrying out a physical radicalism movement which will eventually lead to the emergence of a terrorism movement. Family background, general education and religious education are important variables in shaping radical behavior. Starting from the understandings and thoughts obtained in the immediate environment, namely the family environment, then the school environment and also the relationship of social interaction through extra-campus activities in other academic activities in the form of religious organizations, student movement organizations, and student activity units, student behavior begins to be understanding that is embraced as truth and difficult to change by people who are outside the group. The Islamic struggle movement is identical to the intellectual movement, thus the emergence of radical movements and behavior must be prevented as early as possible. Those who are able to take these preventive actions are the executors at the tertiary institutions, starting from the level of study programs, departments, faculties, to university levels. In this study, the analysis was carried out through a qualitative descriptive approach, by interviewing several key persons from officials within the University and also students who indicated being exposed to radicalism and radical behavior. There are three types of student activity that might be categorized into radical behavior, namely affiliation with KAMMI, HTI and GMNI. If organization such as KAMMI and HTI belong to the right-wing Islamic radical group, GMNI's activities are more likely to be left-wing socialist radicals. With several humanist and psychological approaches, several recommendations and suggestions were generated through this research as an effort to reduce radical understanding in the university environment. One of them is by deepening the material about Islamic religion in the compulsory subject of ahlussunnah wal jama'ah, routine recitation at the faculty and university levels to deepen understanding of religion, education material for state defense and love for the country, as well as other citizenship material that is relevant to the student generally mindset. Keywords: Behavior, Radical, Students, College DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/11-13-03 Publication date: June 30 th 2021


  • The link between religious radicalism and terrorism is increasingly visible by referring to the expression of the Head of the National Counterterrorism Agency, Suhardi Alius when he argued about the revision of Law No 15 of 2003 which aims to eradicate terrorism crimes

  • Religious radicalism is seen as a matter that threatens security, even the unity of the state which must be anticipated for its existence, as has been done by the government through Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perpu) Number 1 of 2002 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Terrorism and Government Regulation Number 2 of 2002 concerning Enforcement of Regulation Government in Lieu of Law of the Republic of Indonesia

  • At the end of his conclusion, Umar emphasized that the issue of religious radicalism/Islamic radicalism cannot be separated from the state's efforts to eradicate poverty

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In human life in www.iiste.org society there is always a match between individuals through the process of socialization towards relationships that influence each other's environment, which is no less important in shaping the child's personality, because in society various social, cultural, economic, religious and other organizations develop. Social attitudes to be recognized, play a role and contribute to students' radical behavior through unguided religious activities in the university environment.

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