
Radiative lifetimes for 2≤v′≤44 rovibronic C1Σ+ state levels of NaRb and quenching collision cross-sections with Rb atoms have been directly measured in a thermal cell by detecting time resolved laser induced fluorescence after pulsed excitation. Many body multipartitioning theory was applied to calculate C1Σ+-X1Σ+ and C1Σ+-A1Σ+ transition dipole moments. The relevant ab initio matrix elements were converted to the C1Σ+ state radiative lifetimes. The strong spin-orbit A1Σ+∼ b3Π coupling effect on the total C → A transition probabilities and lifetimes of the C1Σ+ state is discussed. The measured radiative lifetimes show a decrease from 61 to 34 ns as the v′ values increase, the results being in good agreement with calculations. The averaged collisional quenching cross-section value σ=(3±1)×10-14 cm2 was determined for NaRb (C1Σ+) + Rb collisions from the Stern-Volmer plots.

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