
ABSTRACT One key question in tidal disruption events theory is how much of the fallback debris can be accreted to the black hole. Based on radiative hydrodynamic simulations, we study this issue for efficiently ‘circularized’ debris accretion flow. We find that for a black hole disrupting a solar-type star, $15{{\, \rm per\, cent}}$ of the debris can be accreted for a 107 M⊙ black hole. While for a 106 M⊙ black hole, the value is $43{{\, \rm per\, cent}}$. We find that wind can be launched in the super-Eddington accretion phase regardless of the black hole mass. The maximum velocity of the wind can reach 0.7c (with c being the speed of light). The kinetic power of wind is well above 1044 erg s−1. The results can be used to study the interaction of wind and the circumnuclear medium around quiescent supermassive black holes.

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