
Most of the solar energy absorbed by Venus is deposited in the atmosphere, at levels more than 60 km above the surface. This unusual flux distribution should have important consequences for the thermal structure and dynamical state of that atmosphere. Because there are few measurements of the solar flux at levels above 60 km, a radiative transfer model was used to derive the structure and amplitude of the solar fluxes and heating rates in the Venus mesosphere (60–100 km). This model accounts for all sources of extinction known to be important there, including absorption and scattering by CO2, H2O, SO2, H2SO4 aerosols and an unidentified UV absorber. The distributions of these substances in our model atmosphere were constrained by a broad range of spacecraft and ground-based observations. Above the cloud tops, (71 km), near-infrared CO2 bands absorb enough sunlight to produce globally averaged heating rates ranging from 4° K/day (24-hr period) at 71 km to more than 50° K/day at 100 km. The sulfuric acid aerosols that compose the Venus clouds are primarily scattering agents at solar wavelengths. These aerosols reflect about 75% of the incident solar flux before it can be absorbed by the atmosphere or surface. The unknown substance that causes the observed cloud-top ultraviolet contrasts is responsible for most of the absorption of sunlight within the upper cloud deck (57.5−71 km). This substance absorbs almost half of the sunlight deposited on Venus and contributes to solar heating rates as large as 6° K/day at levels near 65 km. With the exception of CO2, all of the important sources of solar extinction have concentrations that vary with position, and, in general, these concentrations are not well known. To determine the sensitivity of the model results to these uncertainties, the concentrations of these opacity sources were varied in the model atmosphere and solar fluxes were computed for each case. These tests indicate that CO2 dominates the solar absorption at levels above the cloud tops and that heating rates are relatively insensitive to the distribution of other sources of extinction there. Within the upper cloud deck, uncertainties in the distribution of the UV absorber and the H2SO4 aerosols can produce heating rate errors as large as 50% at some levels. Diurnally averaged solar heating rates for the nominal opacity distribution were computed as a function of latitude at altitudes between 55 and 100 km, where most of the solar flux is deposited. The zonal wavenumber 1 (diurnal) and zonal wavenumber 2 (semidiurnal) components of the diurnally varying solar heating rates were also computed in this domain. These results should be sufficiently reliable for use in numerical dynamical models of the Venus atmosphere.

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