
The damping $\alpha$ of the spinwave resonances in 75 nm, 120 nm, and 200nm -thick Permalloy films is measured via vector-network-analyzer ferromagnetic-resonance (VNA-FMR) in the out-of-plane geometry. Inductive coupling between the sample and the waveguide leads to an additional radiative damping term. The radiative contribution to the over-all damping is determined by measuring perpendicular standing spin waves (PSSWs) in the Permalloy films, and the results are compared to a simple analytical model. The damping of the PSSWs can be fully explained by three contributions to the damping: The intrinsic damping, the eddy-current damping, and the radiative damping. No other contributions were observed. Furthermore, a method to determine the radiative damping in FMR measurements with a single resonance is suggested.

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