
Iron fibres of different concentrations were added to ilmenite limonite concrete shielding material in different concentrations using the developments of mixed designs to improve its structural properties and to reduce the energy and the flux of the emitted radiation to acceptable levels. The capture γ-rays generated from the interaction of thermal neutrons with the iron fibres added were studied as a function of iron fibre additional concentration to ilmenite limonite concrete samples and sample thicknesses. It was found that the capture γ-ray intensity increases with the increase of the iron fibre additional concentration from 0 to 4% then decreases slightly on increasing the iron fibre additional concentration up to 6% for each sample thickness. Also, it was found that the capture γ-ray decreases with the increase of the sample thickness for the different iron fibre additional concentration. An empirical formula has been derived which relates the capture γ-ray flux with the sample thickness, and iron fibre additional concentration to ilmenite limonite concrete shields. Good agreement was obtained between the measured values of the capture γ-ray fluxes and those calculated using the derived empirical formula within ≈ 1.15.

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