
Summary form only given, as follows. SMART transmitters contain a microprocessor and other digital electronic circuits that are used to enhance accuracy, provide communications, reduce maintenance, and otherwise facilitate use. SMART transmitters are used extensively in factories, refineries, and elsewhere, but they are not used in nuclear power plants, in part because they have low tolerance to ionizing radiation. A SMART transmitter that works properly after a total dose of 1 Mrd(Si) could be used in nuclear power plants for extended periods of time. However, EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute) sponsored tests (EPRI Report NP-7172) demonstrated that existing, commercial SMART transmitters failed after exposure to approximately 10 krd(Si) of ionizing radiation. The circuits which limit the performance of commercial transmitters have been identified and rad-hard circuits are being designed to replace them. One essential circuit, a voltage-to-frequency converter, has been built and tested. It functioned acceptably after exposure to 30 Mrd(Si). >

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