
The existing agglomeration of mining and processing enterprises in the Dnipropetrovsk region of Ukraine can significantly influence on the radiation situation in the nearest small working cities. The purpose of the work was to determine the level of radiation pollution in the territory of the city Pokrov of the Dnipropetrovsk region, originating from mining waste rock at local enterprises. In the work we used profile reconnaissance. Radiation background measurements were made at equal distances along straight lines. The working measurement step corresponded to an average value of 300 m. During the research, 259 measurements in the γ-range were made. Studies covered a total area of about 25 km2 (an average of 16 measurements per 1 km). For the accurately adjust the measurement location and then transfer the results to the map, a GPS tracker was used. It was revealed that the greatest radiation contamination in the investigated area was recorded on the territory of Tokovsky spillway, where flooded quarries for the extraction of red granites (50 µR/h and above) are located. The territories of all working quarries exhibit an increased radiation background (17–21 µR/h), with maximum values (30–35 μR/h) on their lower horizons. This increase is due to small outcrops of granite in some formations, as well as places for direct mining of manganese ore. A slight increase in the background relative to residential areas (from 13 to 20 µR/h) was noted at the ore-dressing and slurry storages, but still it remains at an acceptable level, which does not affect the city's population working here. The radiation background in the area of city Pokrov and adjacent villages, reclaimed lands and agricultural fields has a low level (5–7 µR/h). A number of city points (roads and a bridge across the Bazavluk River, monuments) showed pollution at a level of 10–15 µR/h. This is due to the use of local natural materials in their construction. Thus, the overall radiation situation in the city of Pokrov and the agglomeration of ore mining and processing enterprises at the present time can be assessed as satisfactory by modern criteria.


  • The existing agglomeration of mining and processing enterprises in the Dnipropetrovsk region of Ukraine can significantly influence on the radiation situation in the nearest small working cities

  • The purpose of the work was to determine the level of radiation pollution in the territory of the city Pokrov of the Dnipropetrovsk region, originating from mining waste rock at local enterprises

  • Radiation background measurements were made at equal distances along straight lines

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The territories of all working quarries exhibit an increased radiation background (17–21 μR/h), with maximum values (30–35 μR/h) on their lower horizons This increase is due to small outcrops of granite in some formations, as well as places for direct mining of manganese ore. Целью работы стало определение уровня радиационного загрязнения территории города Покров Днепропетровской области, происходящего от отходов горных пород на местных предприятиях. Радиационный фон на территории города Покров, прилежащих сел, рекультивированных земель и на сельскохозяйственных полях имеет низкий уровень (5–7 мкР/ч). Общую радиационную ситуацию на территории города Покров и агломерации горнообогатительных предприятий на данный момент по современным критериям можно оценить как удовлетворительную. Покров является типичным представителем территорий Днепропетровской области, включающих в себя агломерацию как горнообогатительных комбинатов, так и расположенных между ними районов, в которых проживает работающее на производстве население. Радиационные загрязнения от отходов горных пород являются типичными для малых промышленных городов Днепропетровской области и требуют постоянной оценки, чему и посвящена данная работа

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