
The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is currently under construction in France. From the radiation shielding and radiation protection points of view, an intense and large neutron source with energy around 14.1 MeV will be generated from the D-T plasma zone during the ITER operation and diverse gamma-ray sources from neutron activation of the reactor structure materials and coolant should be considered for the reactor operation and maintenance. To decrease the radiation impacts caused by these neutron and gamma sources, iterative designs and nuclear analyses of ITER components are currently performed with three dimensional Monte Carlo radiation transport calculations. Due to the important dimensions of ITER, the thick tokamak blanket modules, and the diagnostic and functional port openings, variance reduction techniques are essential in these Monte Carlo neutron transport calculations. To verify the reactor components design models and to check the radiation transport calculation results, advanced graphic features of the calculation tool are also necessary. With the growing interest in using the TRIPOLI-4® Monte Carlo radiation transport code for ITER applications, the aim of this paper is to study the feasibility to use variance reduction features of TRIPOLI-4 code on a 3D ITER benchmark model which is a 40° toroidal segment including 5796 vol cells. The calculation results reported in this paper include the axial and radial profiles of the inboard TF coil heating and the neutron flux attenuation through the equatorial port plugs and shield. The performance of the TRIPOLI-4 graphic tool under its parallel computing mode was also evaluated.

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