
Radiation in low Earth orbit (LEO) is mainly composed of galactic cosmic rays (GCR), solar energetic particles and particles in SAA (South Atlantic Anomaly). The biological impact of space radiation to astronauts depends strongly on the particles’ linear energy transfer (LET) and is dominated by high LET radiation. It is important to measure the LET spectrum for the space radiation field and to investigate the influence of radiation on astronauts. At present, the preferred active dosimeters sensitive to all LET are the tissue equivalent proportional counter (TEPC) and the silicon detectors in various configurations; the preferred passive dosimeters are CR-39 plastic nuclear track detectors (PNTDs) sensitive to high LET and thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLDs) as well as optically stimulated luminescence dosimeters (OSLDs) sensitive to low LET. The TEPC, CR-39 PNTDs, TLDs and OSLDs were used to investigate the radiation field for the ISS mission Expedition 13 (ISS-12S) in LEO. LET spectra and radiation quantities (fluence, absorbed dose, dose equivalent and quality factor) were measured for the space mission with different dosimeters. This paper introduces the role of high LET radiation in radiobiology, the operational principles for the different dosimeters, the LET spectrum method using CR-39 detectors, the method to combine the results measured with TLDs/OSLDs and CR-39 PNTDs, and presents the LET spectra and the radiation quantities measured and combined.

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