
Abstract Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR) has been used to assess the free radical signal in different kinds of milk powder. Buffalos, colostrum’s, butter, milk cows, goat, camel and commercial milk before and after γ-ray irradiation. Moreover, un-irradiated milk samples exhibited weak signals, but upon increasing the absorbed doses EPR signal intensities were increased. The useful dose range was from 0.1 to 11 kGy. The results show that the stability of the signal of milk powder in relation to gamma irradiation was in order as follows: buffalo’s buttermilk; camel; cows; commercial milk; goat; buffalo’s; and colostrum milk. This study was recommended to use EPR as a new technique in an evaluation, quality control of dairy products and food irradiation applications. These milk powders undergo the influence of γ-rays can be applied as radiation dosimeters. Moreover, it can be used in food preservation, food irradiation processing, medical sterilization and water treating.

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