
The recent years are associated with active development of the coastal areas of the Russian arctic regions including a construction of the facilities of the extraction and processing of the hydrocarbons, the civil and military facilities. The nuclear weapon tests, performed by the USSR and other nuclear countries in the second half of the XX century, lead to the global radioactive fallout, including the fallout on costal areas of the arctic regions of the USSR. Five most powerful nuclear munitions were tested on the Novaya Zemlya Test Site in the Arkhangelsk region. The Institute of Radiation Hygiene after professor P.V. Ramzaev (before 1994 — the Leningrad Scientific-Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene) has accumulated a 20-year experience of the radiation-hygienic surveys on the assessment of the consequences of the nuclear weapon tests for the Far-North of the USSR: from the development of the equipment and methods for the extraction, analysis and measurement of the low levels of the radioactive isotopes in humans and environment, to the wide-scale radiation-hygienic surveys of the links in the “northern food chain” — lichen, raindeers and native inhabitants. The obtained data allowed performing a complex assessment of the role of the radiation factor in the health of the public residing on the coastal areas of the Arctic Ocean.


  • В последние годы отмечается активное освоение прибрежных территорий арктических регионов России с размещением на них комплексов по добыче и переработке углеводородов, гражданских и военных объектов

  • [– Values are given in the units used in the time of the survey (1 nCi = 37 Bq) – mean values ± SD]

  • The Institute of Radiation Hygiene after professor P.V. Ramzaev (before 1994 – the Leningrad Scientific-Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene) has accumulated a 20-year experience of the radiation-hygienic surveys on the assessment of the consequences of the nuclear weapon tests for the Far-North of the USSR: from the development of the equipment and methods for the extraction, analysis and measurement of the low levels of the radioactive isotopes in humans and environment, to the wide-scale radiation-hygienic surveys of the links in the “northern food chain” – lichen, raindeers and native inhabitants

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I-67 IV-68 IV-71 IV-72 III-73 IV-IX-76 IV-78

– численные значения приведены в применявшихся в период исследований единицах (1 нКи=37 Бк); – средние значения ± стандартная погрешность; в скобках – число проб. [– Values are given in the units used in the time of the survey (1 nCi = 37 Bq) – mean values ± SD (number of samples)]. Удельная активность Cs-137 в мышцах и Sr-90 в костях северных оленей (нКи/кг сырой массы) [28]. Activity concentration of 137Cs in muscles and 90Sr in bones of the raindeers (nCi/kg of the raw mass)]. 1961 VI-62 I-63 V-63 II-64 VII-64 II-65 X-65 IV-66 I-68 XII-68 XII-69 II-71 III-72 I-73 III-74 I-75 IV-77 XI-77 III-78. XI-1961 V-62 V-63 VI-63 IX-63 I-64 V-64 VII-64 V-65 X-66 V-68 I-69 XII-70 XI-72 I-75. 1961 IV-62 XII-62 XII-64 I-65 X-66 II-67 XII-67 III-68 XII-68 XII-70 XII-71 XII-72 XII-74 XII-76

VI-62 XII-64 XI-1966 I-67 XII-67 XII-69 XII-70 XI-71 XII-72 XII-75 IV-76 VII-78
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57. AMAP Assessment 2002
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