
Following the previous work [Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 281 (2022) 108101], which studied the scattering of an arbitrary-shaped optical polarized beam by a perfect electromagnetic conductor (PEMC) sphere, this paper is devoted to the optical radiation force (OF) and spin torque (OST) exerted on a PEMC sphere by an arbitrary-shaped optical polarized beam based on the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory (GLMT) frame. The analytical expressions of OF and OST on a PEMC sphere are derived according to the multipole expansion method (MEM) and angular spectrum decomposition method (ASDM). The numerical results of the OF and OST and their co-polarized, cross-polarized, and interference components expound on the influence of the particle parameters (admittance parameter M and dimensionless size parameter ka) and the beam parameters (polarization, order l, and half-cone angle α0). The negative axial OF and the negative axial reverse OST that are sensitive to the α0 and the polarization states of the Bessel beam are highlighted. Besides, the resonance phenomenon when the high order Bessel beam with a larger α0 illuminates the PEMC (AEMC) is discussed and analyzed. The absorptive PEMC (AEMC) sphere with losses Mi is also paid attention to. And the transversal OF and OST are discussed, emphasizing the vortex characteristics which are sensitive to the M and beam parameters. The above findings have broad application prospects in optical spanners, microparticle manipulation, and optical tweezers.

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