
Hybrid imaging procedures such as single-photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT) and positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) showed a rapid diffusion in recent years because of their high sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy, due to a more accurate localization and definition of scintigraphic findings. However, hybrid systems inevitably lead to an increase in patient radiation exposure because of the added CT component. Effective doses due to the radiopharmaceuticals can be estimated by multiplying the administered activities by the effective dose coefficients, while for the CT component the dose-length product can be multiplied by a conversion coefficient k. However, the effective dose value is subject to a high degree of uncertainty and must be interpreted as a broad, generic estimate of biologic risk. Although the effective dose can be used to estimate and compare the risk of radiation exposure across multiple imaging techniques, clinicians should be aware that it represents a generic evaluation of the risk derived from a given procedure to a generic model of the human body. It cannot be applied to a single individual and should not be used for epidemiologic studies or the estimation of population risks due to the inherent uncertainties and oversimplifications involved. Practical ways to reduce radiation dose to patients eligible for hybrid imaging involve adjustments to both the planning phase and throughout the execution of the study. These methods include individual justification of radiation exposure, radiopharmaceutical choice, adherence to diagnostic reference levels (DLR), patient hydration and bladder voiding, adoption of new technical devices (sensitive detectors or collimators) with new reconstruction algorithms, and implementation of appropriate CT protocols and exposure parameters.

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