
Background : Radiology staff needs to jusfy the radiaon exposur es in order to protect themselves and others from radiaon risks. The aims of this study were to examine the awareness level of radiaon dose and protecon amongst radiographers and to compare their performance between major Jordanian hospitals. Materials and Methods : A cross-seconal survey was conducted in 4 major Jordanian hospitals. A total of 85 radiographers agreed to parcipate in the study. The quesonnaire includ ed demographic informaon, general radiaon protecon, radiaon do se esmaon and radiaon induced cancer risk secons . Results: The average total score of radiographers in all hospitals was less than 50%. The lowest score was for radiaon induced cancer quesons secon (34%). Ther e was no significant difference in the level of awareness between radiographers from different hospitals except for the radiaon dose awareness secon ( p= 0.001). Experience and training courses did not correlate significantly with the total score or with the score of individual secons. Conclusion: The level of radiaon dose and protecon awareness amongst radio graphers in the sampled Jordanian hospitals is inadequate. At this stage, establishing an annual assessment of the radiographer's awareness through the Jordanian naonal radiaon agency is highly encouraged.

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