
Polygonization or grain subdivision at high damage levels (often referred to as “rim effect”) is gaining increasing importance for UO 2 which is the fuel of nuclear electricity producing power stations. Also, recently, the concept of replacing U-238, and hence replacing natural UO 2, by “inert matrices” for fissile U-235 or Pu-239, or also for transmutation of higher actinides (Np, Am, Cm) is being studied. High energy ion implantation was used to simulate fission damage in both UO 2 and in such matrices (e.g. Al 2O 3, MgAl 2O 4 etc.). The energy of implanted ions was varied between 40 keV and 2.6 GeV. Emphasis is given to the search for possible dose rate effects. Results on damage formation in UO 2 exist now for dose rate variations by more than a factor of 10 10. The implications for the technological application of inert matrix materials are briefly discussed.

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