
Single wire array Z-pinch experiments were carried out on the 3—4 MA Angara-5-1 facility employing a set of diagnostic equipment, including an X-ray power meter with platform response to record X-ray emission bursts and a time resolved pinhole camera to obtain soft X-ray images. Experimental results indicated that when the diameter of wire array was fixed, implosions of arrays with smaller wire diameter started earlier and had a larger convergence ratio. In addition, when the wire gap was larger, the wire plasma could not merge effectively but moved inward individually at an early imploding stage, and larger wire diameter with larger wire gap had longer instability wavelength. The results also showed that when the wire diameter was fixed, implosions of arrays with larger diameter started earlier and had higher implosion speeds and wider plasma dispersion during implosions. Implosions of arrays with larger wire and array diameter had longer pulse X-ray width.

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