
Secretory glial cells in the roof of the last diencephalic prosomer, ependymocytes and hypendymocytes, form the subcommissural organ. The cells of this complex were labelled immunocytochemically, using an antiserum against their specific secretory products. The study aims at the characterization of this cell type in the rat as an anatomical model situation. Radially oriented secretory glial cells remain after birth behind the posterior commissure in the mesencephalic aqueduct. At about postnatal day 10, the cell bodies descend into the conventional ependyma and at postnatal day 25 they assume a compact, rounded appearance. The secretory product they release is involved in the formation of Reissner's fiber. This differentiation in phenotype is not accompanied by a change of the intermediate filament expression. In the adult rat these cells had been labelled immunopositive for cytokeratins 8 and 18 as well as vimentin but not for glial fibrillary acidic protein. DiI-marking from the third ventricle and from the dorsal surface of the brain shows that the basal processes of ependymocytes and hypendymocytes project to the external and internal glial limiting membrane, respectively, through the commissural fiber bundles. Also the subependymal located hypendymocytes have apical processes with contacts to the cerebrospinal fluid. When this secretory cell population is studied with respect to cyto-architectonical changes during ontogeny the results lead to a new understanding of the subcommissural cells. They are not specialized ependymal cells in a regionally restricted and secondary differentiated ependymal area, but rather descendants of an ontogenetically ancient, specific type of radial glia. Characteristic features for all subcommissural cells are that they: (1) appear very early during ontogeny, (2) are derived from a radial oriented glial cell type, (3) carry at least one kinocilium, (4) possess an original intermediate filament pattern, (5) release a secretory product.

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