
New forest edges are continuously being created by forest management. In the Swiss Alps, silvicultural treatments have partly changed from the selection cutting widespread two decades ago to a more intensive strip cutting. However, little is known about the impact of such harvesting on tree growth and on the structural development of Alpine forest stands dominated by Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), which have high economic and protective value.We therefore investigated the effect of strip cutting in four Alpine spruce stands differing in site and stand conditions through a dendrochronological analysis of 134 tree stems. The change in growth rate was assessed for the 10-year period before and after the cutting year, and rate changes in edge and non-edge trees were compared. The relative change in Hegyi’s competition index before and after the cut was used as a proxy for the change in space and related resources. A linear model was developed to assess the effects of biotic and abiotic variables on changes in growth after strip cutting.Radial growth responses varied greatly between the stands, with a significant increase only in edge trees in the two north-facing sites, i.e. 12% and 60%. Changes in tree competition had the strongest impact on tree growth, followed by site effects. With the same relative change in competition index, the radial growth of edge trees increased more strongly in reaction to cutting than that of non-edge trees. Additionally, small-diameter trees growing near edges benefited more from the strip cutting than larger trees.Our results suggest that strip cutting on north-facing slopes can boost the growth of trees on the east and north-east-facing forest edges. Small spruce trees growing along newly created forest edges can be kept to enhance stand yield. As cutting often leads to long forest edges and may thus affect the growth of a significant proportion of the forest area, such effects should be considered in planning cutting layouts.

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