
The radial distribution of white blood cells (WBC) in blood flowing through glass tubes (i.d. 69 μm) was studied as a function of wall shear stress (range 0.1–2.5 Pa) and suspending medium (plasma, buffered saline, high-molecular-weight dextran solution). It was found that, irrespective of the choice of suspending medium, the highest leukocyte flux at high shear stresses was found in the tube center. WBC redistribution was seen upon lowering the shear stresses: A significant shift of WBC flux toward the marginal fluid layers occurred at the expense of the axial region. After replacement of plasma by other media the flow-dependent redistribution of WBCs was qualitatively unaffected. However, suspension of cells in dextran solution (inducing strong red cell aggregation) resulted in enhanced WBC margination, while in saline (no red cell aggregation) axial accumulation was accentuated. The results support the concept of size-dependent radial distribution of particles in flow of mixed suspensions. If applied to the living microcirculation, the data serve to explain WBC margination in microvessels (the first step in the series of events leading to emigration) in terms of a hydrodynamic phenomenon resulting from red cell/white cell interaction. The pronounced flow dependence of WBC margination results primarily from the effect of shear on red cell aggregation which leads to an alteration of the effective particle size distribution in the flowing blood.

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