
An image can be degraded due to many environmental factors like foggy or hazy weather, low light conditions, extra light conditions etc. Image captured under the poor light conditions is generally known as non-uniform illumination image. Non-uniform illumination hides some important information present in an image during the image capture Also, it degrades the visual quality of image which generates the need for enhancement of such images. Various techniques have been present in literature for the enhancement of such type of images. In this paper, a novel architecture has been proposed for enhancement of poor illumination images which uses radial basis approximations based BEMD (Bi-dimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition). The enhancement algorithm is applied on intensity and saturation components of image. Firstly, intensity component has been decomposed into various bi-dimensional intrinsic mode function and residue by using sifting algorithm. Secondly, some linear transformations techniques have been applied on various bidimensional intrinsic modes obtained and residue and further on joining the transformed modes with residue, enhanced intensity component is obtained. Saturation part of an image is then enhanced in accordance to the enhanced intensity component. Final enhanced image can be obtained by joining the hue, enhanced intensity and enhanced saturation parts of the given image. The proposed algorithm will not only give the visual pleasant image but maintains the naturalness of image also.

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