
Appointed to HM Signal School in October 1939 to work on WA RDF equipment. In May 1940, seconded to the Staff of the C-in-C, Home Fleet, Scapa Flow. Enjoyed fury of the elements during sea trials of RDF equipments. From summer 1940 conducted trials of heightfinding techniques on aircraft targets. Also, supervisory support provided for local RN-manned shore-based CHL stations. Increasing activity arose as more RDF sets, and types of set, arrived at Scapa for working-up trials. Problems of equipment maintenance and supply of spares. Established informal two-way exchange of information: from Scapa to Signal School on equipment performance, trials and problems; and from Signal School to Scapa on future needs, technical possibilities, and new developments. Staff increased to cope with greater workload, including ships with multiple fire-control equipments in addition to WA sets. Appointed as Senior RDF Officer, under the aegis of the FWO. The new 10-cm wavelength RDFs for small ships. The PPI display in HMS King George V. Appointment to the USS Gleaves as an RNVR (Special Branch) Lieutenant to act as radar/sonar observer and adviser on convoy duties.

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