
Random and unwanted fluctuations that perturb the phase of an ideal reference sinusoidal signal may cause significant performance degradation in radar systems employing coherent integration techniques. In this second part of the study, resorting to the fast-time/slow-time data matrix representation developed in Part I of this two-part study, we assess the performance of both pulse Doppler processing (PDP) algorithms and sidelobe blanker (SLB) techniques when phase noise and Gaussian interference (clutter plus noise) impair the data. Specifically, we derive analytically manageable expressions for: 1) the probability of false alarm and the probability of detection of PDP algorithms; 2) the probability of false alarm, the probability of blanking a coherent repeater interference, and the probability of blanking a target in the mainlobe of SLB processors. Simulation results show that phase noise may slightly degrade the performance of PDP and SLB processors as long as its power spectral density correctly represents the available measurements. Additionally, the matched filter receiver ensures a high level of robustness against phase noise, highlighting its robustness against steering and covariance matrix mismatches, a property that we formally prove in the paper.

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