
Demographics by TBI and RF status were assessed. We estimated Cox proportional hazards models for progression to RF and generalized estimating equations for inpatient, outpatient, and pharmacy cost annually and time since TBI + RF diagnosis, stratified by age. Among 596,189 veterans, veterans with TBI progressed faster to RF than those without TBI (HR 1.96). Non-Hispanic Black veterans (HR 1.41) and those in US territories (HR 1.71) progressed faster to RF relative to non-Hispanic Whites and those in urban mainland areas. Non-Hispanic Blacks (-$5,180), Hispanic/Latinos ($-4,984), and veterans in US territories (-$3,740) received fewer annual total VA resources. This was true for all Hispanic/Latinos, while only significant for non-Hispanic Black and US territory veterans < 65years. For veterans with TBI + RF, higher total resource costs only occurred ≥ 10years after TBI + RF diagnosis ($32,361), independent of age. Hispanic/Latino veterans ≥ 65years received $8,248 less than non-Hispanic Whites and veterans living in US territories < 65years received $37,514 less relative to urban veterans. Concerted efforts to address RF progression in veterans with TBI, especially in non-Hispanic Blacks and those in US territories, are needed. Importantly, culturally appropriate interventions to improve access to care for these groups should be a priority of the Department of Veterans Affairs priority for these groups.

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