
THERE is one aspect of our voluntary enlistment system which has never been touched upon so far as I know. It is that by our method the most brave and warlike men of each generation are exposed to far more than the ordinary risks of life, and generally at an age when they have left no descendants. A process of selection has, therefore, been going on in the nation for centuries by which, in the long run, the non-fighters, such as commercial classes, luxurious people, and any cowards, have more descendants proportionally than the brave and warlike. So that the average opinion is growing more and more unwarlike, less brave, and more inclined for peace at any price. The above selection is brought home to us if we consider that of those soldiers killed during the last few weeks how few have left two descendants. I foresee two remedies for this state of things, but will not ask for any more of your valuable space.

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