
Our goal is to determine the rotational and magnetic-related activity properties of stars at different stages of evolution. We have focussed our attention on 6 young loose stellar associations within 100 pc and ages in the range 8-70 Myr: TW Hydrae (~8 Myr), beta Pictoris (~10 Myr), Tucana/Horologium, Columba, Carina (~30 Myr), and AB Doradus (~70 Myr). Additional data on alpha Persei and the Pleiades from the literature is also considered. Rotational periods of stars showing rotational modulation due to photospheric magnetic activity (i.e. starspots) have been determined applying the Lomb-Scargle periodogram technique to photometric time-series obtained by the All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS). The magnetic activity level has been derived from the amplitude of the V lightcurves. We detected the rotational modulation and measured the rotation periods of 93 stars for the first time, and confirmed the periods of 41 stars already known from the literature. For further 10 stars we revised the period determinations by other authors. The sample was augmented with periods of 21 additional stars retrieved from the literature. In this way, for the first time we were able to determine largest set of rotation periods at ages of ~8, ~10 and ~30 Myr, as well as increase by 150\% the number of known periodic members of AB Dor.The analysis of the rotation periods in young stellar associations, supplemented by Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) and NGC2264 data from the literature, has allowed us to find that in the 0.6 - 1.2 solar masses range the most significant variations of the rotation period distribution are the spin-up between 9 and 30 Myr and the spin-down between 70 and 110 Myr. Variations between 30 and 70 Myr are rather doubtful, despite the median period indicates a significant spin-up.

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