
We study, in the framework of the Schrödinger's equation, the effect of intermolecular interactions on tunneling racemization of the active molecule. This molecule is assumed as a two-level system and the left–right isomerism is viewed in terms of a double-bottomed harmonic potential well. The active molecule is assumed to be embedded in a gas, liquid or solid, submitted to a perturbing potential U created by the molecules of the sample. In our model we take into account the difference of energy ( ε) between the left ( L) and right ( R) configurations due to the weak interactions. We show that when ε=0 and the perturbing potential U is due to random binary collisions, the optically active system inevitably racemizes. However, when ε ≠ 0 there is chiral stability when ε⪢ δ, where δ is the difference of energy, between left and right configurations, due to the natural tunneling effect. On the other hand, when ε ≠ 0 and U is created by a cooperative effect between the interacting molecules we show that there is no racemization but it is possible to have chiral stability. This occurs when the heterochiral interaction ( U LR) and δ are much smaller than ε. According to our estimates the stability occurs, for typical molecular parameters, only for fundamental harmonic oscillator frequencies ω > 5.2 × 1 0 13 rad / s , that is, in the infrared and far-infrared regions. In our approach the weak interaction, which is responsible for the left–right symmetry breaking, plays a fundamental role in the optical stability.

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