
Race walking is an athletic discipline of aerobic character, which diverse from moderate to high intensity forms and is characterised by high energy consumption. The result in race walking depends on the morphological, motor and functional potentials (aerobic and anaerobic capacity, function of the cardio-vascular and the respiratory system) of the walker, as well as the technique used by the competitors. The sample included 25 male students, on the third year of studies at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, East Sarajevo. Variables were measured to evaluate morphological and motor-functional parameters (Body height; Body weight; Body Mass Index; Running 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m). The result in race walking at 2000m was defined as a criterion variable. The aim of the study was to determine the influence of morphological and motor-functional parameters on the resultant performance in race walking. Multiple regression analysis was applied to process the data, which showed a statistically significant influence of the predictor variables (p <0.010) on the criterion of (R = 0.785; R² = 0.613).

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