
This chapter begins by arguing that 'race' as a scientific concept has long been defunct, but that racism is very real, omnipresent and multifarious. Racism related to skin colour is the most recognised and discussed form of racism in the UK. With respect to non-colour-coded racism, anti-Irish racism, antisemitism and anti-Gypsy Roma and Traveller racism all have a long history in the UK. It is almost universally acknowledged among the mainstream scientific and social scientific communities that 'race' is socially constructed rather than biological reality. Bernard Semmel has developed Karl Renner’s concept of social imperialism to describe the way in which the ruling class attempted to provide a mass base for imperialism. According to Richard Klein, from its inception colonial Hong Kong was unsurprisingly saturated with White supremacy. Klein describes how the British used the law as a tool to consolidate control of Hong Kong in the hands of a privileged minority.

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