
This article begins with a definition of dyslexia as genetic, involving language processing and phonological awareness. It goes beyond reading and writing difficulties to include, for example, sequencing, orientation, short‐term memory, speed, circumlocution, organisational skills, visual thinking, self‐esteem and anger. Dyslexia, though neurological and present worldwide, is experienced through culture. It may once have been an advantage and may well be again with the importance of visual literacy in the computer age. In a literate society, however, it is more of a disadvantage and is compounded by racism. An examination of changing views about disability (social and medical models, impairment and disability, integration and inclusion) is followed by relating the issue to race, expressed as simultaneous oppression. Our research into eight black dyslexic adults is summarised and the conclusion drawn that more research is needed into black dyslexic students and that the recent British government initiative to train 4000 dyslexic specialist teachers, though a start, is inadequate.

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