
Rac1 is basis for ATPase, ribosomes repairs, Gactin activities, and regulating fatty Acyl-COA productions (upon OPA1 function) which are main for epidermal growth factor “EGF” synthesis and for both PLCs and IFNs synthesis. Rac1 basically are S6K rich Proline and hydrophobic amino acids that each amino acid especially Proline characterize Rac1 for scpsific functions and activity for regulating specific anti-inflammatory cycles and specific anti-inflammatory growth, that Rac1 has the roles of acting on inflammatory sources for analyzing and producing long fatty chains which will follow the OPA1 oxidative function (which activated by GTPase which promoted by Rac1 active molecules ) for producing fatty Acyl-COAs isoforms which considered as GP-GTP isoforms Gp-GTP gamma, GP-GTP beta, and GP-GTP alpha isoforms where some said that GTPase has been analyzed to give Gp isoforms but GTPase has activated OPA1 enzymes which produced Gp-GTP nuclear isoforms upon effect on long fatty chains, that GP-GTP beta and alpha have the roles of promoting PLCs and IFNs isoforms for anti-inflammatory processes and for anti-inflammatory growth . That The Rho family Rac1-GTPase (Gp isoforms) mediates a variety of signal transduction processes leading to activation of NADPH oxidase, actin cytoskeleton reorganization and anti-inflammatory growth.

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