
Neurons are highly polarized cells with dendrites and axons. Dendrites, which receive sensory information or input from other neurons, often display elaborately branched morphologies. While mechanisms that promote dendrite branching have been widely studied, less is known about the mechanisms that restrict branching. Using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, we identify rabr-1 (for Rab-related gene 1) as a factor that restricts branching of the elaborately branched dendritic trees of PVD and FLP somatosensory neurons. Animals mutant for rabr-1 show excessively branched dendrites throughout development and into adulthood in areas where the dendrites overlay epidermal tissues. Phylogenetic analyses show that RABR-1 displays similarity to small GTPases of the Rab-type, although based on sequence alone, no clear vertebrate ortholog of RABR-1 can be identified. We find that rabr-1 is expressed and can function in epidermal tissues, suggesting that rabr-1 restricts dendritic branching cell-non-autonomously. Genetic experiments further indicate that for the formation of ectopic branches rabr-1 mutants require the genes of the Menorin pathway, which have been previously shown to mediate dendrite morphogenesis of somatosensory neurons. A translational reporter for RABR-1 reveals a subcellular localization to punctate, perinuclear structures, which correlates with endosomal and autophagosomal markers, but anticorrelates with lysosomal markers suggesting an amphisomal character. Point mutations in rabr-1 analogous to key residues of small GTPases suggest that rabr-1 functions in a GTP-bound form independently of GTPase activity. Taken together, rabr-1 encodes for an atypical small GTPase of the Rab-type that cell-non-autonomously restricts dendritic branching of somatosensory neurons, likely independently of GTPase activity.

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