
In this paper, the constituents of the rabbinic hermeneutical approach to the Bible, which were important to Emmanuel Lévinas, are analysed through the theory of intertextuality. These constituents are the basic premise of priority of the text (Torah) and of the necessity of its interpretation by the interpretive community. The rabbinic notion of Torah as an Ur-text thus avoids logocentrism as well as the classical opposition Mythos / Logos in terms of the opposition Fiction / Truth. The concept of Mythos as a creation of imagination (as a metaphor or Story) that reveals the particularities enables one to involve it in the “universalizing” philosophical discourseas successfully as Greek myths were incorporated in the discourses of Ancient Greek philosophers. The author of this paper emphasizes that the “particularity” of Lévinas consists in the fact that his preferred “myths” in his Talmudic lectures and Judaic reflexions are driven from another source. Intellectual activity in Judaism as a “foundation of spiritual life” is based on hermeneutics which emphasizes the intellectual activity of the reader and presupposes the necessary polyphony of the “multiplicity of persons” with individual particular perspectives. The paper maintains that Lévinas, while discussing this hermeneutics (performing refined universalizations from these particularities), engages himself in the dialogue with the text, and this engagement can be seen as the hermeneutics of the reader whose particularity and historical context matters as well. For Lévinas, this hermeneutics allows him to use classical rabbinic texts, primarily the Talmud, as a potential source of concrete images for his philosophical thought, with the discussions of Talmudic sages serving as a guidance which may indicate the possible vectors of the meaning. Thus, the paper concludes that in the perspective of the theory of intertextuality, Lévinas is involved by these texts in the Jewish intertextuality, and this makes him part of the history of the Jewish Thought.


  • Tarsi „rašyti“ savo metaforiniu branduoliu reikštų ką kita (Derrida 2006: 165)

  • The paper concludes that in the perspective of the theory of intertextuality, Lévinas is involved by these texts in the Jewish intertextuality, and this makes him part of the history of the Jewish Thought

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Cituota pagal Hawthorn 1998

Interpretuojančiųjų rankose, ir prasmingai prakalba tik per to, kuris jį tiria ir aiškina, pastangas. Jie jam pasakė: „Stebuklas su upeliu taip pat nieko neįrodo.“ Tada jis pasakė: „Jeigu aš teisus, tegul Studijų Namų sienos tai patvirtina!“ Ir pasviro sienos, grasindamos nugriūsiančios. Fiktyvaus pasakojimo apie Talmudo išminčių diskusiją, idėja – Tora, kadaise padovanota nuo Sinajaus kalno, kurioje parašyta, kad ji „ne danguje“, nuo tada yra žmonių bendruomenės, ją skaitančios ir interpretuojančios Tai tik patvirtina rabiniškąją Toros sampratą, kuri eina nevisiškai tuo pačiu keliu, kaip krikščioniškoji, ir jai ne taip lengva, jei kartais ir pavyksta, pritaikyti Derrida logocentrizmo kritiką. Y. brandžiųjų Viduramžių mistinis Biblijos Midrašas, kuris kaip toks, kaip teigia Bloomas, iš tiesų yra „tikras post-Apšvietos stipriosios poezijos pirmtakas“ (Bloom 1975: 4), tačiau paties Zoharo pirmtaku galima būtų laikyti Antikos ir ankstyvųjų Viduramžių „Talmudo išminčių“ (ir Talmudo bei Midrašo redaktorių) interpretacinę veiklą. Tarsi „rašyti“ savo metaforiniu branduoliu reikštų ką kita (Derrida 2006: 165)

Remiamasi žodynu Еврейско-Русский Словарь 1859
15 Aronowicz pateikiamos Levino citatos iš Lévinas 1982
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