
Developmental signalling pathways are regulated by intracellular vesicle trafficking in multicellular organisms. In our earlier communication, we have shown that mutation in Rab11 (a subfamily of the Ypt/Rab gene family) results in the activation of JNK signalling pathways in Drosophila eye. Here, we report that Rab11 regulates JNK and Raf/MAPK-ERK signalling pathways during Drosophila wing development. Using immunofluorescence and immunohistochemical analyses, we show that overexpression of Rab11 in mutant wing imaginal disc cells triggers the induction of apoptosis and activation of JNK and ERK. Further, using a genetic approach it has been shown that Rab11 interacts with the components of these pathways during Drosophila wing development. In addition to this, in Rab11 mutant wing imaginal discs JNK activity was monitored using puc(E)⁶⁹, a P-lacZ enhancer-trap line inserted in puckered (puc). A strong induction of puc in Rab11 mutant wing imaginal disc cells provided a strong support that Rab11 regulates the JNK signalling pathway during Drosophila wing development.

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