
‘Internet of Things’ is choking the world with Zettabyte scale data rate of which traditional computing can neither store nor process. Outputs of various kinds of Research endeavors are held in different media over the years and cannot be made to “talk to each other” to exploit each other for beneficial relative information. The prime objective is to find a platform that can easily accommodate Cloud technology which can elastically handle the big data concept. In this study a private cloud is built using Ubuntu and Eucalyptus open source software on two quad processor machines with 8GB Ram. Using Apache Flume and Hadoop analytics, Big Data obtained from Research outputs is mounted on the R-Wingu framework with capacity to data mine unstructured, unrelated data and relate the components intelligently and may be leased as Database as a Service(DaaS). Once disparate data streams are accessible in real time, in one place and a consistent fashion, data suddenly becomes much more powerful and decisions become that much more impactful. Surveys are conducted across research communities with an aim of isolating research Gaps through various statistical tools. Sample results are discussed alongside previous studies’ outputs. Research Gaps filled are compared by poll results conducted with exiting outcomes. Establishments are urged to embrace Big Data approach for competitive advantage.


  • IntroductionMost establishments boast of having safely stored huge capacities of their data yet only able to positively utilize a third of it

  • This study will focus in various kinds of research outputs being amalgamated and analyzed together to give out useful correlations

  • R-Wingu is a platform of a private cloud computing with Hadoop and Apache Flume open source analytic tool

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Most establishments boast of having safely stored huge capacities of their data yet only able to positively utilize a third of it This is common with businesses and research communities. In this study a private cloud is built using Ubuntu and Eucalyptus open source software on two quad processor machines with 8GB Ram of which Hadoop Assume is integrated. It will centralize research outputs and avail it to a wider global audience of which they will be able to intelligently interrogate and analyse the Big Research Data and be able to produce very puzzling but useful correlations. R-Wingu will bring together resources which at the moment is scattered and in the disparate state not very useful

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