
Quran, the greatest miracle of the universe, is a book with profound subtlety inside, immeasurable content, aesthetic appearance and melodious diction. During the centuries from the revelation of such a divine book onto the heart of the last God’s great Apostle (peace be upon him) a great many of the thinkers have pondered over its miraculous nature from various aspects and have considered it from different dimensions of expressive, scientific, lexical, religious law miracles dimensions. And in the meantime it has to be mentioned that there can be put no end to the discovery of the Holy Quran’s miraculous facets. The Quranic phonetics speaks of a melody and rhythmic harmony which exert considerable effects on the absorption of the Quran’s words and phrases semantics. The extraordinariness of the issue, the way that it is out of the reach of the human being, reveals itself when the Quran’s lexicon phonetic and its semantic (phono-semantics) relationships can be compared with the analysis of the sound and frequency of the sound signals with the similar natural sounds. The current study has dealt with the survey of this reality by taking advantage of the specialized frequency analysis software and has managed to record the results in the form of tangible documents. The deductive method accompanied with the spice of creativity in the experiment style has been the fundamental foundation of the current research paper. The author of the current study has attempted to retest the current research project in the framework of medical audiology and artificial intelligence through editing the scientific experiments in order to make use of the results in confirming his claim. What has been concluded from the current research paper is the word and phraseological supernatural phonetic effects on semantics and they can be deemed as the sensual interactional manifestation and as inducing a vast spectrum of meanings and semantic features.

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