
Facts show that the alumni of the Iqra Method have weaknesses in society, short lengths of reading, lack of remembering the nature and meaning of letters. The Iqra Method should be able to overcome these weaknesses and weaknesses by evaluating the method. Weaknesses of the Iqra Method provides an opportunity to innovate for other methods. As a solution to the problem, we offer Neuro Nadi Technique Method with the Nadi Quranic Learning Center program aged 7-70 years. Characteristics This method focuses the work of the left brain and the right brain which has a special work system. This study gives results that the Neuro Nadi Aceh Alumni have the competence in reading the al Qur'an better than the previous Iqra Method. This research is useful for institutes of teaching the al Qur’an to improve methods that have evolved to support Islamic law in Aceh.

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