
This article aims to understand the verses on religious freedom using method of Verbalization of the Qur’an, which was coined by Muhammad Alwi HS, in the Indonesian context. Based on its initial form and identity, Verbalization of the Qur’an is a method that has a strong foundation in providing an understanding of the Al-Qur’an in a different space and context from the time of revelation, including in Indonesia. As for the verse - The verse studied in this article is QS. Al-Baqarah [2]: 256, Q S. Ali Imran [3]: 64, QS. Al-Qashash [28]: 56, QS. Yunus [10]: 99. The result that is found in this article is that all of these verses prohibit the imposition of coercion on other people to follow a certain religion. Faith is the right of everyone who is blessed by God, as Allah does not make all believers or unbelievers, but allows everyone to choose the faith (religion) they want. In the context of Indonesia, the verbalization of the verses of religious freedom can be found in the form of a national and state constitution, namely based on the 1945 Constitution in article 28E paragraph (1), the 1945 Constitution in article 29 paragraph (2), the first principle of Pancasila "God Almighty", Law no. 39/1999 on Human Rights (HAM), and article 28I of the 1945 Constitution concerning the ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

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