
The study of density dependent chemical communication in bacteria called the quorum sensing is a promising area in science since most microorganisms that can cause infectious diseases use QS to realize their pathogenic potential. Currently, there is an extensive search for drugs that can inhibit QS dependent processes. Medicinal plants and their components are of particular interest. The main methodological approach aimed at studying the QS inhibitory activity of the studied compounds in this work was the use of a strain of Chromobacterium violaceum ATCC 31532, which is able to respond to potential QS inhibitors by synthesis of violacein pigment. The object of the study is dry extracts of oak bark (Quercus cortex), birch leaves (Folia betulae) and St. John’s wort herb (Hyperici herba). The QS inhibitory activity of dry extracts of oak bark, birch leaves and St. John’s wort herb is shown. For the first time, it is justified to use compositions based on oak bark and birch leaves, as well as oak bark and St. John’s wort to suppress the quorum sensing in pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacterial microflora.

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