
Models of visual search posit that target absent responses occur when the quitting threshold for the trial is reached before a target is detected, and that feedback about missed targets allows the quitting threshold to be adaptively set to the difficulty of the search task. While these models may effectively capture processes in lab-based tasks, in real-world searches feedback is often impossible to provide. Instead, observers have little information about their errors, and may only be aware of when they successfully detect the target. We posit that in the absence of feedback the time required to find a target might influence quitting thresholds. In three experiments, we investigate how manipulating the mean time and the standard deviation of time to detect a target influence quitting thresholds in target absent trials. To vary target detection times while holding the search stimuli constant, we used an eye-movement contingent change to surreptitiously introduce a target near fixation at a particular time. Results show that decreasing the mean time to find a target also decreases the number of items inspected and reaction time in target absent trials, the hallmark of a shift in the quitting threshold. By contrast, varying the standard deviation around a fixed mean had no impact on target absent search times. These findings suggest that people are sensitive to the typical time required to find a target in a given task and use that information to flexibly adjust target absent quitting thresholds, but people are not sensitive to the variability.

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