
We study quintessential inflation with an inverse hyperbolic type potential V(ϕ)=V0/cosh⁡(ϕn/λn), where V0, λ and “n” are parameters of the theory. We obtain a bound on λ for different values of the parameter n. The spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar-ratio fall in the 1σ bound given by the Planck 2015 data for n≥5 for certain values of λ. However for 3≤n<5 there exist values of λ for which the spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar-ratio fall only within the 2σ bound of the Planck data. Furthermore, we show that the scalar field with the given potential can also give rise to late time acceleration if we invoke the coupling to massive neutrino matter. We also consider the instant preheating mechanism with Yukawa interaction and put bounds on the coupling constants for our model using the nucleosynthesis constraint on relic gravity waves produced during inflation.

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