
The quinoa herb belongs to the family of Chenopodiaceae in which spinach and beet also originate. It is South America local herb, and Chenopodium has 250 different kinds all over the world. Quinoa is a pseudo-cereal with high phytochemical substances verified biological and nutritional significance. Quinoa is consumed and used as daily essential food throughout the world due to its higher amount of protein in relation to general cereals. Quinoa contains ascorbic acid, vitamin E tocopherols and B complex vitamins niacin, folic acid, thiamine. Minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus), it also contains isoflavones and the best type of triglyceride. A functional perspective of quinoa plant is of great importance as are being used in the treatment and prevention of different health problems. The study will elaborate physiochemical, rheological and functional properties of quinoa. Bread will be prepared from quinoa and its textural, sensory attributes and chemical composition will be determined by standard method and the result obtained from the recent study will be analyzed according to standard procedure

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