
In 2016, 51.5% of adult day services center participants lived in a private residence with relative(s), 19.9% lived alone in a private residence, 16.3% lived in an assisted living/residential care community, 5.3% lived in a private residence with nonrelative(s), 4.5% had another living arrangement, and 1.5% lived in a nursing home.


  • * With 95% confidence intervals shown with error bars. † Based on the questions: “Of the participants currently enrolled at this center, how many live in each of the following places?” and “Of the participants currently enrolled at this center who live in a private residence, how many live with the following people?”

  • In 2016, 51.5% of adult day services center participants lived in a private residence with relative(s), 19.9% lived alone in a private residence, 16.3% lived in an assisted living/residential care community, 5.3% lived in a private residence with nonrelative(s), 4.5% had another living arrangement, and 1.5% lived in a nursing home

  • US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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In 2016, 51.5% of adult day services center participants lived in a private residence with relative(s), 19.9% lived alone in a private residence, 16.3% lived in an assisted living/residential care community, 5.3% lived in a private residence with nonrelative(s), 4.5% had another living arrangement, and 1.5% lived in a nursing home.

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