
An approximate method is described for solving the equation of motion of a projectile accelerated by a two-stage light gas gun that uses high-pressure (<100-bar) gas from a storage reservoir to drive a piston to moderate speed (<400 m/s) for the purpose of compressing the low molecular weight propellant gas (hydrogen or helium) to high pressure (1000 to 10,000 bar) and temperature (1000 to 10,000 K). Zero-dimensional, adiabatic (isentropic) processes are used to describe the time dependence of the ideal gas thermodynamic properties of the storage reservoir and the first and second stages of the system. A one-dimensional model based on an approximate method of characteristics, or wave diagram analysis, for flow with friction (nonisentropic) is used to describe the nonsteady compressible flow processes in the launch tube. Linear approximations are used for the characteristic and fluid particle trajectories by averaging the values of the flow parameters at the breech and at the base of the projectile. An assumed functional form for the Mach number at the breech provides the necessary boundary condition. Results of the calculation are compared with data obtained from two-stage light gas gun experiments at Oak Ridge National Laboratory for solid deuterium and nylon projectiles withmore » masses ranging from 10 to 35 mg and for projectile speeds between 1.6 and 4.5 km/s. The predicted and measured velocities generally agree to within 15%. 19 refs., 3 figs., 2 tabs.« less

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