
Two methods of rooting of Zelkova softwood cuttings were analyzed: (1) quick-dip method and (2) contact method - the thin polyethylene film (20 mm) laid directly over the cuttings during the rooting process. The control for contact method was a low tunnel with a thick polyethylene film. One group of cuttings in the contact method was treated with quick-dip (IBA 2,500 ?g?mL-1, carrier-ethyl alcohol) during 5 sec, and the other group was treated with water solution of IBA (50 ?g?mL-1) in 24-hour treatment. The third group was control - untreated cuttings. The same groups of cuttings were also used in low tunnels. The number and length of primary and secondary roots were measured on rooted cuttings. The results of all treatments show that contact method in combination with water solution of IBA was the best with 92% of rooted cuttings. No significant differences were obtained between this treatment and quick-dip + contact method (85.3%). Rooting of cuttings under low tunnel was significantly lower. In general, contact method was better than low tunnel, disregarding the carrier used. These results recommend the almost unknown contact method in nursery propagation of Zelkova, as an alternative, non-invasive species for the conditions in Serbia.


  • SPECIES Abstract: Two methods of rooting of Zelkova softwood cuttings were analyzed: (1) quick-dip method and (2) contact method - the thin polyethylene film (20 mm) laid directly over the cuttings during the rooting process

  • One group of cuttings in the contact method was treated with quick-dip (IBA 2,500 μg·mL–1, carrier - ethyl alcohol) during 5 sec, and the other group was treated with water solution of IBA (50 μg·mL–1) in 24-hour treatment

  • The results of all treatments show that contact method in combination with water solution of IBA was the best with 92% of rooted cuttings

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Активни леторасти сакупљени су 30. јуна у Арборетуму Шумарског факул­ тета (надморска висина: 120 m; грографске координате: лонгитуда: λ=+20°25'25,75"; латитуда: φ=+44°46'53,18"), са три матичне биљке. Неке морфолошке карактеристи­ ке матичних стабала дате су у табели 1. Резнице су кројене са петом од прошлогодишњег дрвета. Припремље­ не резнице (укупно 900) потапане су у раствор Benlate® (600 mg·L–1), а затим тре­ ти­р­ ане на два начина са IBA: једна група третирана је „quick-dip“ методом (IBA 2.500 μg·mL–1, носач - етил алкохол) 5 s, а друга воденим раствором IBA (50 μg·mL–1) 24 сата. Трећа група су биле фитохормоном нетретиране резнице - контрола. Половина сваке од три група резница побадана је у ниском тунелу, а друга половина је директно прекривана танком фолијом (20 mm) без било какве потпорне конструкције (слика 2). Оглед је обављен у стакленику, а резнице су побадане у суп­страт за ожиљавање - мешавину тресета и песка (2:1 запремински) 1. Добијени резултати анализирани су и интерпретирани преко анализе варијансе (Anova table & multiple range tests)

Проценат ожиљавања
Укупна дужина примарних и секундарних коренова
Број примарних коренова
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