
Lek systems, where females often use centrality to assess male quality, highlight a general paradox in evolutionary biology: how can female preferences for males providing good genes persist when consequential strong directional selection is predicted to deplete additive genetic variance in male quality and thereby obliterate benefits of choosiness? An explanation contributing to the resolution of this lek paradox may be that genetic variance is retained when an indirect mate choice cue, such as centrality on a lek, is an imperfect indicator of male genetic quality. Here I investigate whether the presence of alternative male mating tactics limits the reliability of centrality as a quality indicator in lek-breeding topi antelopes. Whereas males establishing territories directly on the central lek were relatively large, smaller peripheral males regularly shifted their territories centripetally and in this way also occasionally obtained central territories. By such opportunistic queuing, small males could increase their mating success drastically; however, their territorial tenure in the lek centre was relatively short, consistent with moderate competitive ability. These results suggest that male topi antelopes can obtain central lek territories through alternative mating tactics, providing scope for variance in male quality on the central lek. In a separate finding, the mating success of central males was found to increase during territorial tenure, independent of estimated age. The demonstration of queuing in both space and time on a mammalian lek highlights the importance of considering male tactical dynamics over time in order to avoid an inflated appearance of the lek paradox.

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