
Introduction:The quality of nursing care has a significant impact on the outcomes of care. The specific needs of children requiring hospital care make it essential to monitor and compare data not only on the medically oriented outcome measure but also on nursing care, structure, and process, requiring perspectives from registered nurses (RNs) and nurse managers (NMs). Thus, this project aimed to evaluate the structure and process of nursing quality indicators in pediatric hospital care with questionnaires distributed to RN and NM.Methods:We developed separate questionnaires for NMs and RNs to assess the process and structure of the quality indicators of breastfeeding, management of pain, venous access, medication management, and provision of a child-oriented environment. Nine NMs and 113 RNs from 9 pediatric wards answered the questionnaires.Result:Local guidelines were available for 3 out of the 5 quality indicators: pain management, venous access, and medication management. RNs reported varying levels of adherence to pain management (62%), and venous access management (72%). Satisfaction with the conditions for safe medication management was 90%. Approximately, two-thirds (67%) of RN reported sufficient knowledge regarding the impact of the child-oriented environment and less than half (44%) regarding how to support breastfeeding.Conclusion:Structure and process is a prerequisite for quality of care outcomes. This study discloses areas for quality improvement and offers instruments to compare structure and process in pediatric nursing care to discuss with consumers, managers, staff, and other stakeholders.

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